Unidentical Hearts is a mixed media project that explores themes of individuality, uniformity, and sacrifice. The project aims to insight user interaction in both the digital and physical realm, using those aspects of interaction to mirror concepts of human experience in and outside of personal perspective. Through interaction with both physical and virtual elements users are forced to confront desires for connection and unintended consequence through via their personal actions.
Participants can view colorful and imaginative augmented 3D animations representing human uniqueness by holding a mobile phone up to any individual white plaster heart sculpture displayed, but to access the Unidentical Hearts app, they first have to break a heart open to retrieve a passcode in the form of a hint about what unique beauty that specific heart contained, now unable to be seen or accessed by the phone app.
Unidentical Hearts is currently in the testing & building stages of its development. At its officially installation it will contain over 100 unique hearts, all of which will only be accessible to the public for viewing during that single show (however long it lasts). After each heart is broken the animation files will be deleted so it may never be triggered or seen again. All animations and augmentations seen on this website and in previous public viewings are tests that will not be repeated as is for the official show. Unidentical Hearts has not yet been part of any official show, only critiques and user tests.